The Copenhagen little fairytale guide

It is indeed very little, and it’s in my pocket.

You actually need to meet me to read that, and then I can show you around, all my favourite places. They are mostly not just places, but moments.

Beautiful moments and experiences, and even if I note them down, you wouldn’t know what I meant, except if you had been there yourself.

And experience is quite personal, so you would never know.

Oh yes. The love for fairy tales awakens there.

The Homeland of one of the most famous fairytales collector and creator.

full of magic corners here and there

Kind Wooden Giants (Thomas Dambo Forgotten Giants) in unexpected corners, little mermaids, birds and waves that can speak, sheep and lamas (the animal guide), top views of a flat country, nice bike rides, and mysterious puzzle walks!

The fairytale guide!

in progress ..

The animal city guide 🙂

Navigating the Space in Between Relationships and Self Expression

There is a space in between and all that happens there, that may seem as a bridge or a gap. It felt until now as if I have to choose between being with my self or with others and that has felt as a gap.

How do we occupy this space when we are with self and others?

Whatever I feel in each moment, there is the space for that to be felt ! So from now and on I am shifting my attention to that space. The space that everything occurs.. And there are many practices to remind us that. In individual like mindfulness meditation or in a group. Like circling and authentic relating.

So I would like to remind you to pay attention to that space.

A beautifully opening space, where all the magic happens, just in between, where two or more people meet, in circling, authentic relating, Non Violent Communication, Radical Honesty or empathy cafe. What are these?

These are modalities, that have been designed to facilitate open heart connections, and expressing our needs in a safe space. A space where everything is welcome, in loving awareness, relaxing the predefined and conditioned ways that most of us have been raised with, that have been based on fear and inequality.

So how is your space today? What do you notice in your body?

me avoiding connection as something “dangerous”, realizing I can trust and let go or simply taking my space and time and connect when i feel ready

“In this space everything is welcome” The facilitator said while opening the space, virtual this time, for an evening of authentic relating and circling. And I hold this within myself to remind me, everytime the judge would pop up to obstruct the need for connection and self expression.

  • Commitment to connection
  • Staying with Sensations
  • Any evergy is welcome
  • Being with the other in their world
  • Owning your experience

are the five prinsiples of authentic relating. These principles are creating a space where each one is responsible and retrain themselves to exist with others and be there for everything that arises. It is actually a group meditation, while staying in a social context and being present with others and everything that comes up. A way of being with others and oneself, that is more inclusive and whole and you can take with to the other parts of your life as well.

me running away from feeling or taking up the challenge to ride wave of connection

It came up to talk about connection and how our society wants us to be independent and see the need for connection as something to be ashamed off, so we reclaimed that need and there was space for expressing and feeling those sensations associated with it. Also grief and sadness, excitement and joy. There was beautiful mirroring and understanding and vulnerability as well as insights and breakthroughs when one of the people there said, “I hear you say with the emotional part and with the logical part, and the judge, whoever that was that judged you, but I am more interested to hear what you would like to say, how that feels for you ? ”

The fear that I might be percieved as too needy while expressing my need
for connection was also there

This practice is about noticing sensations and retraining awareness, to come more into the body and the present moment and recenter oneself and connect from there. Noticing body sensation helps to be more authentic, and create authentic connections.

I have tried these practices years ago and there was a significant time of other inner work in between, so I come back to them now, and I can see the impact. I also found myself to watch again the video of Marshal Rosenberg, the founder of Non Violent Communication, and I found myself understanding more and also coming to tears from the simplicity of the method, that there is a language that can communicate more clear and the posibility through that communication, to have ones needs being met.

As I hear him speak the things I was not able to express I feel a space opening within me.

The fear of self expression has been with me for such a long time. I often find myself feeling some tension and fear to express myself, my needs, or having thoughts that I might be misunderstood, and not heard. So having tools like this makes connection possible and I am feeling grateful that there is a welcoming and accepting space, where I can express and take time to understand, reflect, feel and then communicate in equal terms with other beings that are there with me. So I’m sharing here with you all the nice tools to create a space we can all be heard and resonate with integrity and love.

Find spaces to practice connection here:

Connection Playground

Empathy Cafe

Need Literacy List

Radical Honesty

Consent and Honesty

I wish we find more space into this s allowing ourselves to be more authentic and whole.

Thank you for reading and feel free to message for more resources.

Projects to Support this Christmas!

2020 has been harsh! Lots of tension and ups and downs, and still there is holiday coming, full of lockdowns, and so many small and nice projects longing for our support.

If you are going to buy gifts for your loved ones, there are some really nice creative people out there, who could use your support and send you back wonderful art in return for your generosity. Plus they don’t cost that much, and many of them use these resources for sustainable ways to give back to the earth or people in need.

In case you were wondering who to support this holiday period, I made the research for you and collected all their info so it’s easy and there are lots to choose from!

Enjoy this list! ( I love lists and this one is full of love)

Adopt this Origami Swan Lucky Charm, for 2021 and on with your life to help you distinguish what’s important and what isn’t, as the Swan is known for distinguish the useful from the trash 🙂 From Hummingbird Creations 🙂

There are many reasons to support independent musicians all year round and one more to do so this time now! Great music, deserves great earnings 🙂

Yuramin – Guardians of the Land

Yuramin – Guardians of the Land

Kora Kami is a wonderful art project by Simon Lulzac.

Drawing inspiration from his Danish roots as well as his fascination with Japan and the art of Origami, he looks at the infinite possibilities of folding and sculpting paper.

Prashant is reading his lovely illustrated book to us and delivers us copies for this Xmas 🙂 ❤

Medicine Songs for the soul, a booklet with songs and guitar tabs by Joie de Winter

Martin of the People, is our Martin who is travelling now in the east to support children living on the streets or refugee camps by making them laugh and creating playful activities. His heart is surely Golden as well as his smile and he’s accepting donations on patreon ! 🙂

” Excited to present you a selection of photographs from the project working title ′′ The Guardians “. My guardians are both fabulous creatures, but they also become human faces and stories-keepers of tradition. Inspired by the beauty of the kuker custom and its living bearers, I travel Bulgaria to touch their essence, experience and recreate them with my camera. This is my tale of mountain guardians, field, water and villages. In it, creatures live in their own world beyond the real world or show us their human face to connect with us. The Guardians are a wonderful journey through our magical land. This January, the Guardians will appear in the magazine. National Geographic, Bulgaria, exactly two years after the first photos. The land of the Kukerite material has just been declared by Washington’s editorial as the top local material of the month among all over 30 editions of the magazine worldwide. But for me this is just the beginning. My goal is to create Kukeri’s book of photographs. And this book will be more special because there will be a lot of soul invested in it. Mine and all those who help me with her. Here I want to thank all the masked people from the bottom of my heart – the true Guardians of tradition, who do me the honor of photographing them and helping me work on the project as they can. However, to make this dream come true, I have a lot of hard work to do. Long trips, photos and many days of work on the editing of the material, layout and stories. For me, this means serious effort and expenses. And right here I have to contact you and ask you for your support because it is your support that will be crucial to the success of the project. Give yourself a copyright print of ′′ Guardian ′′ or give a gift to your loved one. So you will become one of my benefactors and help me continue to work on this book. By purchasing my work, you will also help me make and gift one to the real characters in the photos. When they are a larger group of people, I will only be able to print them at the cost of materials, with my work and creativity being a gift to them. Another thing that you would help me a lot:- by sharing this post to reach as many people as possible.- by liking: on FB and on Instagram. The author’s prints are made with professional equipment and high quality materials. The size I offer you is 20 x 30 cm. with a passport of 5 cm. (30 x 40 cm total. ), which is signed by myself by myself. The price until the end of 2020 is 70 lv for print with passport, back and packaging. I also offer frame prints at a price of 95 BGN. When ordering more prints, I offer a discount. There is also a discount for Kukeri 🙂The price of the shipment is at the expense of the recipient. In the proposed size, the series has an unlimited edition. For larger sizes with limited edition please contact me. For order please write a personal message to me with the names of the prints, your Name, phone number and office of Econt or address for receipt. THANK YOU!!! “

To be updated


Invest in Presence, despite the regime of escapism

or Manifesto of Presence!

In this culture that very often encourages escapism

with so many offers and suggestions of places to go

and things to do

implying that the place you are right now is not such a good place

training the mind to a habit of always leaving

the act of presence is a rebellious act!

Wherever you look around there are travel packages, Great Offers! for destinations and activities, to abandon yourself (not in a good way, but kind of give up and do something “better” than be with your self)

and your home,

to go somewhere else.

to a “better” place

and not stay here to fight and work for what you have and what you are already

as if you are not enough

as if this home, and this person is not good enough

“you can find a better one” somewhere else, but not here now, you need to leave! immediately, book this vacation! buy this dress, wear this makeup, call this number. Don’t stay idle, you might find your true home!

If you invest yourself in activities or non activities that invite you to presence

is the true gift to yourself

and still there are so many workshops

that may suggest that are bringing you to presence, or into the body, but then you are in danger of getting stuck in a cycle, of repetition, of feeling or non feeling, but following instructions, as if the instructions, or methods know better than your body.

So it does require some practice and skills to recognize the signs of stuckness.

Just be attentive, alert and relaxed .

Observe and respond accordingly

when the time is ripe.

The body knows


The world is movement.

But you are not the world.

You are the observer, the witness

Invest yourself in presence

Against the regime of escapism

Transform from the inside

No need to travel

No need to leave home

No need to change anyone or save the world

You are the world

Change your self

Invest in presence

Authentic relating, with human, plant or animal beings

like be with therapy horses

Why therapy?

Because they are not trained to compete, they are there with you, simply being.

And this is exactly what we need to enhance.

You don’t need to have an ailment,

This overactive, overcomsuming, competitive society is the ailment.

What presence looks or feels like :

I am here as I am, accepting and taking in my experience without judging.

I am here with “you” accepting fully my experience and simply letting go, and dropping everything.

I am letting myself be guided, but not abandoning my experience and my senses. I communicate my needs and respect my own and your boundaries.

Communication flows easily and effortlessly.

I am enough as I am, here and now, I don’t need to prove myself or my worth.

My expression, my voice and my movement is welcome as it is.

Feel your presence by being with nature, by being with animals, by caring for another being, by joining a mindfulness class, or moving meditation, with no particular code, but simply be.

Βοdy time – free online movement mini course

A few wild animal rescuing organizations to volunteer or support:

protecting wildlife, wolfs, bears and birds in north Greece

Helping with wild injured birds.

Αλκυόνη – Aegean Wildlife Hospital

my experience in the ashram

or a place where i don’t have to introduce myself and just be.

I found myself reminiscing, and talking about it when a new friend asked me a few days back, where have I been and how I was experiencing life back then.

I was there in 2017 and since then it seems the city’s social sets of behaviors and noise made me comfortably forget how beautiful and natural it was, not to introduce myself every time I met a human being, as if I’m going through a short but very intense mini interview, where everyone is a possible interviewer – will she be good enough to hang out with me, or should I just pass her?

No! that was not the case in the ashram. Since you are here, you are accepted. You are here for a good reason and you are trusted, and it means you are here for your spiritual advancement, which is rather human really.

We move in silence.

Or noble silence. Meaning the silence of the mind. You are allowed to talk for practical issues or things that are really burning inside, in order to clear the field to be able to absorb yourself more in the meditation.

Hundreds of people eating at the same dining room and there was not noise beyond the natural sounds of the ambient.

Seva – Selfless service as an offering to God or Nature -Creation or Being.

Offering 4 hours of “work” to purify yourself from any expectation and simply be with others in the same spirit, that this is something sacred, not to earn anything, even grace, but be filled with the vibrations of being. Work as a meditation, and I stop here because there are many already writing about that but the best is to experience it.

The Essence

What I really miss and would like to have more in my life, and what the reason and inspiration for this post is the feeling of being in the ashram, which it’s hard to put in words but I will try.

You are, in this space, surrounded by beauty, and the space is made in such a way, that its made for contemplation and self realization. Everything says, go inwards. There are contemplation spots beautifully weaved with nature, so that all becomes one, under the shades of trees or beautiful streams passing and taking care of your worries.

The social part is not what you would experience in the “regular” way of life. When you meet a human being, it is no different than meeting nature, and it is not needed to introduce yourself and all your achievements, education, place of origin, age , profession and all that. You can simply be.

It may be difficult though to hold back your own habits in the beginning to introduce yourself and ask questions but soon this will go away, and you start enjoying the silence.

Then a new space is discovered, the space of being.

Then you are able to truly meet the being, beyond all this social constructions, and enjoy.

I am missing this part a lot.

Moving in Silence. Not having to attend to information that feed on attention and simply be with nature and sound, and light and beauty.

Then everything flows in a wonderful way, and everything works. Effortlessly.

Then you only need to face your self and the game begins. And everyone knows because we are on the same boat. And they understand and they laugh about it, because they have went and still going through, and then there is always someone to talk and help you out, but not senseless meaningless small talk. Only the essential.

And then?

Who knows. Hopefully you find the joy in embarking this journey of letting the social self behind and meeting the authentic self.

With Love and Gratitude.


No pictures were allowed in order to fully absorbed and avoid distractions, so here is an extraordinary sunset from a beach near by.

Why I love Patra

or 10 things to do when you are in Patra

A small city in between mountain and sea. Long walks with plenty of space, enjoying the breeze, sunset or sunrise, a few parks for running and small streets for exploring.

Most people know Patra for its Carnival that happens every year, with plenty of festivities and the great temperament of the local population.

Another reason to know Patra is for its port connection to Italy and also the Ionian islands.

Easy to walk, and it has plenty of possibilities to enjoy food, and high view points.

Combines the neoclassical Greek, Roman and European architecture.

Don’t miss the Castle of Patra that was built in the mid 6th century.

Saint Andreas Anglican Church

It is also famous for its great graffiti murals and it is as well friendly with new media adaptations to everyday life and in different professions.

Mood “Synergatiko”

There are also some collectively owned small restaurants – cafes that you can sure pay a visit and enjoy their food and beverages, as well the nice surroundings.

My top first is “to megalo mas tsirko” in a beautiful surrounding with plenty of trees, they offer delicious snacks and drinks, and a few times they host live concerts and festivities.

Then is “Rokfor” and “kafemezeri aerostato

In “Haroupi” you will find herbs and ethnic food spices and beans, also essential oils and other products for your well being.

Also check the Botanical Bio market in Riga Feraiou street with plenty of options for fresh and dry foods and herbs, drinks and other.

Join this facebook group “Expats in Patras Greece” if you live in Patra to share tips about living and being!

to be continued …

Desire vs Time Overflow ? What can we create?

–> music piece to accompany you while reading.

In this time of the so much needed forced pause, I find myself, first annoyed, then surprised, then actually relieved, and then overwhelmed and so many other states or moods of consciousness that I see as another way to navigate to travel. A more personal blog post about traveling through states of being in this time of collective stop.

A pause or Permission to Do Nothing

I feel that this pause, was so much needed for everyone, that it is the first time after so long, that not much is needed or expected from us, than staying at home. And that means, for first time after long time, we have time! to use as we wish. To sit and do nothing. We are allowed to do nothing, and not go out pursue life, and impress or so many other things. At least this is how I partly experience this. Such a relief! I can just sit! Paint, draw, sing, dance, play, cook, work in the garden, help others. And it is ok! A good time not to feel guilty for doing nothing, and apply that new age “do nothing” quote!

Initially I admit I was very disturbed, and took time for me also to get over or around it and from the state of “What’s going to happen?” got to the state of “What can we create?” as Kristina Evans shares in her facebook.

Every single person on the planet is thinking about this right now.

What if we turned how thoughts from:

“What’s going to happen?”


“What can we create?”

These times are unprecedented and have the potential to be transformative.

In these precious moments of stillness let’s dream into being together the world as we wish it to be.

May your body and spirit be strong.

“What can we create?”

So many wonderful people are sharing their gifts online for free, filled with good vibes and energies, sound healing, dance and yoga, even clowning, and clowning ! So many offerings, and there are also people who volunteer to help those who can’t go out shopping. Social media is full of so much goodness and Art! As people are taking time to cheer and support each other, and even sing from the their balconies!

Yes it is very sad and touching, that we are isolated. For some of us, maybe it was a way of life already to live in a partial chosen isolation, but for others, it may be more difficult, as it was always been. At the same time it creates a space for reflection that was not so accessible before due to the amount of information, of the so long to do lists we all had, and the places we should be, or the amount of events to attend.

Space for reflection may bring back so long forgotten memories and pas desires, that may allow you to feel for first time, there is time to feel, without feeling guilty that you should have been somewhere else. You are allowed to feel now, and remember, all those long forgotten wishes, and maybe dream and make plans, what you will do when all this will be over. But firstly, take this time to feel.

So how do I navigate through this?

All this may feel overwhelming! If you didn’t have a regular reflection practice, if you didn’t check in so often with yourself about your needs and desires, but rather take care of what is asked and needed of you in the “external world” , now it may feel too overwhelming, as all those long forgotten desires, may pour forth like a torrent!

It is beautiful you have time for this. You can sit back and enjoy. You don’t need to numb yourself with digital life for now, but maybe enjoy more the simplicity of doing nothing, enjoy the sun or wind on your skin, the plant in your balcony or window, clean bedsheets. You are so lucky right now.

And as you take in this slowly, you may meet one of them (long stored desires or dreams) one at a time, as guests in your guest house. invite them for a cup of tea, or write down what do they have to say, or sing and dance them, from your heart space. No one is watching, or judging, and if you want to, then you can share it in the Internet 😛

It is a great time to create good habits, during these long weeks, and time fore self reflection, it is a perfect opportunity to finally make habits, that will be beneficial and will stay. You have all the time.

It is so very powerful times we are living, let us now focus on that. What goodness can we bring to the world? What can we create with love?

And I am so looking forward to take my time and meet all those parts of me that have been waiting so long to be met. ❤

In case you have nothing to do, here are some good ideas including meditation and body movement in this link by (in greek – you can google translate it though).

Edible Gardens in and around Athens

When “green hands” and pure hearts come together .. The result is just beautiful and everyone can enjoy it.

Fortunately there are quite a few possibilities for people who love gardening and harvesting their own food, even in such a big city like Athens.

Some of them were parking spaces, or spaces in a building where some could not see the possibility, a group of people saw the potential . They came together and put some seeds, and effort, and now we have a number of places to enjoy and for children to play and learn from nature and its processes.

Due to the current situation, lots of them are “sleeping” and waiting to be revitalized by willing green hands, so do have a look on the list here, and do not hesitate to express your interest directly to them.

If you have a space in the back of your house for example that would be a great opportunity to start one more edible garden!

Nature is so majestic!

Parko Navarinou in Exarcheia

is a self managed park, an initiative from locals who protected the park from becoming a parking lot and rejuvenated the area with garden and playground for children.

The photos are from 2019 of the 10 year celebration of the life of the self organized and community loved park.

Self Organized Social Vegetable Garden of Chaidari

For more info contact directly through the link provided.

Lampidona Social Center in Vironas

Lampidona is a social space that contains many social community initiatives, like social kitchen, solidarity shop, and the Vegetable Garden. They also exchange seeds. Contact here and check their fb page “ta Sporia” for news and updates.

Koinsep MiAZo in Chalandri

Koinsep stands for social cooperative. And MiAZo for “One more life” translated from greek. This cooperative is for reusing, upcycling, objects and materials, and providing a space for workshops and services to people that have the time and would like to embrace also a zero waste attitude. They also have a garden and they are looking for people who would like to take over and make it flourish. Read the open call here.

CoLab House

Is a social enterprise that strives for sharing, solidarity and fruitful interaction and is offering short term residencies, a comfortable co-working space, labs and spaces for learning mobilities. Colab House is designed to work in a collective manner as a collaborative space and a community of creative people. It has common spaces including Video/Sound studio – Co-Working space, Kitchen, recreation areas, meeting rooms and an urban garden that one can participate in different ways. Contact them directly to find out how. There is a current open call through European Solidarity Corps for residents of the EU.

Taratsokipos 2510

The 2510 roof top vegetable garden collective served well the neighborhood of Exarcheia for a while, is currently closed, but look what a produce they had! They used to meet every Sunday to garden together and take care of the plants. You can have a look at their page and learn a lot of tricks already and try them at your balcony!

Here is a picture from early March harvest! Yes you can grow all these in pots!

Urban Gardening in Athens Online

You can inquire on more information about urban gardening, inspiration, knowledge sharing and practices on this facebook group.

A bit further away from Athens you can find the following

Ktima Arvanitis has being offering a free alternative nature school for children and adults just outside of Athens in Afidnes area. You can learn about natural and biological farming methods in theory and hands on. It functions on Sundays as well, and make sure to contact them before your visit to learn more details about the subject and methods.

alternative school of natural farming

Mali Veni in Markopoulo

Near Markopoulo area there is Mali Veni, a large stretch of land who is being now converted with natural farming methods to a more sustainable way of life for all life included. There are free natural farming workshops that take place once in a while through the guidance of Panos Manikis, a student of Masanobu Fukuoka who was the inventor of the clay ball or seed bombs method. The meetings usually happen on Sundays and people bring food to share with each other at the end of the workshop, or during the lunch break. The nature is amazing and you can also shop your organic vegetables on the way home. The place is open also for long term volunteers.

Panos Manikis is now offering online courses that you can watch for free.

You can stay up to date on workshops by following the official and the facebook page.

Nea Guinea

Nea Guinea is a project that is an non-profit organization (NPO) that was initiated in 2009 with the main objective of re-appropriating everyday needs in terms of food, health, energy, shelter and clothing, as tools for increasing self-sufficiency and resilience of people and communities in Greece. Their projects’ aim is to inform, educate, encourage and support people in redefining their basic everyday needs and getting actively involved in different production processes in order to cover these needs, based on their individual or collective knowledge and their local resources. For that they offer workshops, organic farming, and database for learning.


A natural and organic farming center named after the Samothracean Goddess of the Earth. It is also part of the Food Collective that delivers a food basket of your choice once a week.

Calme Garden in Lagonissi

Calme Garden is open for a visit to enjoy the garden, or a music jam, or a workshop, or a walk with the horses, or a stay as a volunteer! It has plenty of space for gardening, and it’s a great idea to visit with children to enjoy the open air and view of mountain and sea! Have a look at their facebook page.

Another special garden is Antholado Dalas in Megara, a lavender paradise, where you can visit, and see how essential oils, natural cosmetics and scented water are made, also other herbal by-products such as mouthwash, and natural hand sanitizers that you can also order online.

A bit further away than Athens, in Trikala of Corinth, there is one more organic herb garden with limited production, that one can visit. It is Gaea Abat for a full on sensory experience smelling and tasting wild organic thyme and oregano.

Open Farm is a great platform – database with farms around Greece that are open to the public for a visit to learn how food is made, or just enjoy their products. You can browse through the website by area or interest and find farms all around the country and combine with a tasting trip.

to be continued..!!!

Alternative Solidarity Tourist Athens Guide

There is so much more in tourism than just the common museum visit (which are definitely lovely) exhibitions, popular sites, shopping, tasting food and so on. You can go the already known way or you can go the alternative / Solidarity way. What is the Solidarity way? You can support the local economy and smaller producers, and artistic collectives, sustainable and ecologically conscious places of the city/country you will choose to visit.

Think Global , Act Local!

In this Guide I will share with you some of the tips and favorite spots of mine of the city I know so well. Athens!

–> Do check for the map at the end of the page who contains everything.

Currently available for tours in Athens in very small groups even 1 or 2 and with proper measures! message me and lets for for a walk!

Democracy came from Athens?

Solidarity flourished in Athens!

At least in the last few years, the economical crisis has set up a very fertile ground for the local people to show their solidarity to each other and a great number of social movements and collectives based on sustainability and inclusion have flourished and keep coming up. Visitors can greatly benefit from this movement and support it as well.

Goodies for Foodies and also a place to enjoy some tea?

There are different types of shops and collectives one can have a coffee, or tea, sit to read a book, meet a friend, and buy some goods, directly from the producers. In some of these shops you can buy a number of cruelty free goods supporting other networks of the solidarity movement who make these goods available.

1. One of these is lacandona, (Ipitou 4, Athina 105 57 ) Only a few minutes walk from Syntagma metro station. You can find a great variety of tea, coffee and herbs, along with pasta, nuts and honey, and other delicious goodies, handmade products from solidarity projects and some books and ceramics too! You can see some of the products here. Tip: Ask for the greek quinoa!

2. Dipolis is located just by the side of Pagrati Park, 10 minute walk from Evangelismos metro station, at Eftichidou 24, one can find in a tiny shop plenty of options, including organic, local, food products, great variety of teas and herbs, and vegan products. This is also a selling spot for ecological and natural cleaning products by VIOME, the collective run without a boss cooperative !!

3. To Diktamo in (Karaoli ke Dimitriou 63, Vironas 162 31), a grocery store, with Cretan products, including avocados, freshly made “kalitsunia” and other desserts, handmade soaps, also the greek quinoa among other lovely products and a wonderful service!

4. Katalahou in Mavromichali 9, is another gem in the center of Athens. It is a grocery store, and a cafe, with food from local producers like bananas from Crete, herbs, honey, and other great products like the Mushroom circle, and cleaning products, by VIOME. They also deliver all over Athens. Check their online shop!

5. Sesoula in Mavromichali 98, Exarcheia you will find this social cooperative shop without intermediaries, with a broad range of various organic local products.

6. At Nileos 35, Athina 118 51, near Thissio train station, you can find syn allois a grocery store where you can go with your own jars and containers and buy food and daily care products. Find there plenty of fresh vegetables from local producers based on the Fair Trade Movement.

I’ve lost counting.

If you find yourself in Exarcheia you have a lot of possibilities.

There is the farmer’s market every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month, just at the main square from 10:30-15:30 with local producers, and also “fields of solidarity” a farm run by refugees. Check their shop at Andrea Metaxa 4, Athens.

And there is one more farmer’s market called “laiki” in greek, every Saturday in Kalidromiou Street. There is a great feeling whenever I am in Exarcheia, I really feel the closeness of the neighborhood, and a totally different human vibe, than other areas.

Oh yes, here we go again.. !

7. Then there is Svoura in Spirou Trikoupi 21. A cooperative that promotes alternative and solidarity economy. There you can find a selection of food products and not only. You can even handbags, some clothes and detergents by VIOME. There is a price list here. They also deliver at home.

8. A few steps away in Stournari 14, there is sympetheroi shop with traditional Cretan products, homemade sauces and drinks. There is one more shop Sympetheroi Vol. 2 at Formionos 141, Vironas 162 31!!!

9. I would also like to mention Aloē organic food store, in Ilisia, Papadiamantopoulou 50, Athina 173 41

10. Ta kaloudia grocery store, in Neos Kosmos/ Nea smirni, at Mitrou Sarkoudinou 145, Athina 117 44


11. Kafeneio Akadimia Platona, in monastiriou 140, just by the park of the Plato’s Academy, a place with a long history of beautiful projects, workshops and festivals, that is now offering vegetarian take away.

“We create small businesses that employ refugees and migrants in Athens, Greece.” is s social coperative that 100% of the project’s profits are recycled into creating permanent jobs and apprenticeship opportunities for migrants and refugees in Greece. Here are two examples of that. Project Layali (is now closed, and the space is used by acupuncturists without borders ) and Tastes of Damascus is open and running, visit for great falafels and more.

Γεύσεις της Δαμασκού” – Tastes of Damascus an ethnic restaurant, in Fokionos Negri 19, Kypseli.

Another farmer’s market?

A great initiative is the mpostani which is a farmer’s market in Kypseli market, opens twice a week (wednesday 16:00-20:00 and every 1st and 3rd Saturday 9:00-15:00) (please check with them on facebook, for the current opening times, since they may change according to the current situation) .

A group of friends that happened to also be organic farmers responded to the call for making a community market with natural and organic food, local, fair trade, in real and digital e-shop”, have formed this collective in order to make their products really accessible so you can go there with your own bag too, to avoid plastic waste. There you can start a talk with them, as they are very friendly and learn about their natural farming methods, how to grow mushrooms, or about vegetables and seed bombs, or how to make essential oils and so on.

The Food Kollektiva stops in its current form for different reasons. We hope, the idea of the kollectiva to inspire other producers, while for us it was a valuable experience. We thank those who have supported this effort so far. From now on, you can contact the producers of the collective separately.

Re-Use Re Cycle Up Cycle

In Aristotelous 84, Chalandri 152 32, you can find MiAZo which name stands for “One more Life” in greek. It’s a space where anyone can visit, to donate clothes, books, and other objects, to create and participate in workshops, shop and support people in need. There you can go with your empty bottles, and get a refill of cleaning products, or repair things, use the sewing machine, and give a new life to something that you would not use, and help in this way to reuse and upcycle, to have a circular economy.

Want to Volunteer? or just make a visit

Khora is a collective created to support refugees and other people in need, it is volunteer based, and provides lot of activities for people to evolve and share in community, including music jams(before covid), free kitchen, and the free shop, where you can give away clothes in you have something that could be appreciated again! Lovely people to meet and get an insight about the diverse people of Athens.

More information on social economy and cooperatives can be found here.

Your Laptop Broke down?

Stin Priza Collective is there for you! Fair Prices and excellent service. It is a flat hierarchy, means no hierarchy collective, that works with equal rights for its members and offer valuable help in times of need! Currently they are collecting laptops to offer to kids in refuge camps for free.

Want to be more sustainable?

Then get your reusable cup and get a discount in your drink, in a number of shops that participate in the initiative called “sto potiri mou“. You can find a list and a map of companies that offer the discount, in order to reduce one use cups, in this link.

Zero Waste Greece, and Zero Waste Athens.

More and more people are becoming aware of the zero waste movement, and there are plenty of ways one can contribute, by changing little by little, daily habits. A great place to start is the facebook group, or get some information online, about how single use products affect th environment, tips and tricks, and hacks one can do, to always find new uses for old stuff, and tinker with your creativity daily.

You can also visit the zero waste shop plastikourgeio in exarcheia, for beautiful products and solutions and sillage in Chalandri .

Forest bathing!

The most important part of Athens, is its nature! Yes there is plenty, although a big city, there are plenty of parks, trees and nature corners for one to appreciate.

You can either take a walk to the well known hills of Lycabetous or Filopapou in the center of the city, and even forget that you are in the capital, and enjoy the wonderful view, including a secret gorge! Or you can drive a little further and explore the surrounding mountains.

Always leave nothing behind but your appreciation! Save Your Hood is an initiative started by Vassilis Sfakianopoulos and locals who care to see nature free from human impact and has been cleaning all areas around Athens and quickly spread all over Greece!

and don’t forget that without nature we would not be here, so take plenty of time to enjoy and soak in it.

It is never enough!

And because I cannot reveal you everything in this blog (like my favorite place to get real chocolate) , you can also write us a message and book an Alternative Solidarity Tour with me or someone else to show you around all the great places, or make a route together and share all the goodness! Just write to me!

Bonus! Free map !

I could not leave you like this, even if it is fun to explore, now it’s much easier, and more practical to have all things neat and organized to the following map, you can see if it’s some of these places near you already and how long it takes to get there, along with opening hours and such.

And please, please, enjoy!

It is so valuable to take some time to savor, and appreciate the moment. All these places mentioned here, are places created with love, and each product, coming from small producers, really loving what their doing and their products.

Thank you for reading so far!!

Take care, and see you soon!


Your Alternative Solidarity Tourist Athens Guide

This is a project made with love, and is not receiving any funds.

If you would like to fund this project you can use this link.

A day at a time

Traveling doesn’t necessarily have to cross the country’s or the city’s borders, as long as you dare to cross the borders of your habits and go for something different.

At first it may not sound as exciting, but it is a great step, a step away from your comfort zone. Well that day I chose to take the bus and just go wherever it took me. The only plan was to go to the beach. I dreamed to go even further, but as it was a Sunday and a bit late in the day, the routes were scarce so I got off a bit earlier.

First thing I did when I got off the bus, I walked on the beach and touched the water, washed my face as a cleansing and thank you ritual for letting me arrive here in this beautiful scene. I continued my walk, feeling the vibe of the neighborhood. Locals playing with their children on the playground by the beach, or just biking and strolling cheerfully.

I had something to eat and continued to walk, as the sun had already set, I decided to give in to the good vibes coming from a coffee place, where I chose a nice table, and ordered a very smooth and warm hot chocolate.

While I sat down, my gaze went up, to see her Majesty, full beauty rising behind the mountains, covered in a golden light, saying Hi, I see you, I welcome you. I am here for you!

I feel grateful for deciding to stay. I had a little talk with the lady of the cafe and then I enjoyed Her(The moon) light and Her presence, while sipping my chocolate. I had some time to read as well, and when the time was right, I got up and moved on.

Buses took longer than I thought this time so I had a lot of waiting in the cold in the bus stop, and instead of going back home, I continued to the city center. Once I was there I found out there was a concert of one of my favorite band. I needed that too. So I went for it.

Not so many pictures today, as I felt more for the other senses But here She is in all her glory although I couldn’t go close enough and the color was way more golden than the picture.

15 days ago!